Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Learning Turkish On Film

NPP in association with Co-producer Maker Arts
Learning Turkish: Turkce Ogrenmek: Turkce? Yeah!
YouTube Teaser film:

“What could possibly matter more than to take a human being and change her into a different human being by creating a new speech for her? It’s filling a deepest gap that separates class from class and soul from soul.”
Professor Higgins, My Fair Lady
(Based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion)

Instead of teaching English to an Englishwoman, this project aims to teach Turkish to an Englishman
Learning Turkish: Concept
The Turkish Language
Turkce Ogrenmek - Gunlugum
Turkish Online Classroom

The Learning Turkish index below documents events and progress...
01.08.2007 Moo Gaz etc...
27.07.2007 Marmaris
18.07.2007 Eskisehir
14.07.2007 Istanbul street markets
03.05.2007 CTK Law
01.03.2007 NPP meet Maker Arts

NPP - nppistanbul7@gmail.com
MakerArts: Kerem Akalin & Nilay Akder
00 9 0212 243 8893

NPP © Feb 2002 All rights reserved.